Welcome! We’re glad you’ve found our church! We hope you’ll find us to be an
encouraging, friendly group of people. While we don’t make any claims to be
perfect, we are regularly discovering truths that are changing us individually and
enriching our lives as a church community. In my forty plus years of pastoring
churches, it has always been my desire to experience the work of the Holy Spirit in
building the church. We are experiencing that here at Calvary Baptist. The
preaching and teaching of God’s Word is paramount. Each believer is encouraged
to serve in some capacity using their gifts and abilities for the Lord. We, through
prayer, endeavor to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in all leadership decisions.
Each service is led in worship to invite the Holy Spirit to minister God’s Word to
our hearts. We are always seeking ways to deepen our love for God and each other.
We believe the church is to reach out to the people of our community, modeling the
command of Christ to reach all nations.
We believe the local church is to be the center of Christian relationship, where
individuals and families can bond together by praying for each other, studying the
Bible for understanding and spiritual growth, and helping each other in times of
We believe the local church is the place where people of all backgrounds and
interests can come together to worship God, learn from His Word, and fellowship
together as one.
We believe that all of the benefits we enjoy here at our church are based on our
commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior, and God’s Word the Bible as our guide for
We sincerely hope you’ll look further into what makes our church what it is. We
welcome you to share the joy that we’ve found.
Most Recent Sermons
The Loves of God the Son
Let God Speak
Our God of Forgiveness
The Secret of God’s Peace
Colossians 3:15
Note: Services will be posted on our Web site for the most recent weeks. After that you can go to the YouTube Channel for previous sermon messages.